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OSHA courses for the construction industry vary from 1-hour topic specific programs to full-fledged train-the-trainer prerequisites. Overall training for the construction industry is in high demand due to increased federal and state enforcement of worker injury and fatality prevention.

OSHA 10-Hour Outreach Training Online

10-hour OSHA training for the construction industry has increased in popularity in the last several years. Depending on your contract work or employer, you may be required by state law to have a 10-hour card before you begin work on a construction site. OSHA 10-hour training for construction covers the top subjects for the construction industry to educate every worker on hazard recogniztion and avoidance. » Learn More

OSHA 30-Hour Outreach Training Online

If you are looking in-depth construction industry training for supevisors and other high-demanding jobs, the 30-hour course will most likely satisfy your requirment. This course includes additional topics that are not covered in the 10-hour, for a broader spectrum of construction-related duties. » Learn More

Online Compliance Training

The 1-hour certificate programs are designed for workers who desire or require training in a specialized area of interest. Anywhere from Scaffolds to Welding and Cutting, these 1-hour courses drill down to the essentials and give you an official OSHA certificate in the subject of your choice. » More Info